Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Give to Breast Cancer Action, not Komen

The Komen controversy about Planned Parenthood was just the tip of the iceberg as far as I'm concerned, and I am thrilled to link to an op ed on the subject in today's Los Angeles Times by Peggy Orenstein.  I won't repeat what Orenstein eloquently describes.  But while she urges readers to give their breast cancer-related donations elsewhere, she does not name names, and that I will do.

Send your money to Breast Cancer Action.  Its "think before you pink" campaign long predates the recent attention to Komen.  What's more, they fit Orenstein's criteria of a worthy group: not shying away from objectively reviewing the science of screening; aggressively pushing for more investigation into the causes of cancer, including environmental causes; and refusing money from corporations whose policies or products are not good for women's health.

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