Sunday, July 12, 2009

Recent dissents from the focus on same-sex marriage

While I know I'm not alone in questioning the focus on achieving marriage for same-sex couples, consumers of mainstream media might never see dissenting viewpoints coming from the gay rights movement itself.

Here are two recent posts worthy of attention. Historian Amy Sueyoshi notes that "the marriage movement’s single-minded determination for 'equality for all' has forgotten that many more queers suffer at the hands of more urgent inequalities." And fellow Bilerico contributor Yasmin Nair has had a series of posts at Bilerico and elsewhere (this one spurred 200 comments). She argues, among many other things, that "the fight over gay marriage has emerged as a progressive cause that all progressive straights should join in when, in fact, it's a deeply conservative movement that strips our movement of any imagination."

You may not agree with everything these writers say (I don't), but they are voices that need to be heard above the din about marriage equality.


krishna kashyap av said...

These days the gay marriage rights
or the interests have really
reached their hype.
I think its not a bad idea.
Its just their individual desire.
Family law companies

Michael Grady said...

While I know I'm not alone in questioning the focus on preventing marriage for same-sex couples, consumers of mainstream gay media might never see dissenting viewpoints coming from the hetero rights movement itself.

The gay marriage movement’s single-minded determination for 'equality for all' has forgotten that many more hetero married couples suffer at the hands of more urgent inequalities."