Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why our new DC parentage law matters

Thanks to Shannon Minter for passing along to me a blog post by a lesbian couple in DC who would have been helped by our new parentage law. Nothing awful happened to them without it, but their family wasn't recognized without a whole lot of effort and money. Read about them here.


Susanica said...

Hi Nancy. Thanks for posting about our blog post and of course for your comment. I'm glad Shannon passed it along. Do you have any sense how many lesbian couples are expecting now? I'm curious as to whether we'll be among the first to go though this come December. I'm guessing there must be others who are closer to their due dates. Thank you so much for everything. Monica and Susanne

Nancy Polikoff said...

I have heard from a couple expecting in August, but I don't even know if they will be the first!

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